SymbNET PhD Project Award, Deadline 15.04.22

The SymbNET PhD Project Award funds the best collaborative research project in the context of SymbNET and it aims to promote collaborative research in Host-Microbe Symbiosis, Genomics, Metabolomics and Proteomics between partner institutions.

All PhD students from SymbNET: FCG-IGC (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal), EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany),  CAU (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany),  UNIL (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland), and ITQB NOVA (Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Portugal) are eligible to apply; Collaborations may involve research groups or services from all SymbNET institutions.


  • Call for proposal submissions: 15th January – 15th April 2022
  • The award funds €4’000 for the best collaborative research project on Host-Microbe Symbioses, Genomics, Metabolomics, and Proteomics.
  • Extra funding can cover a research visit of one month (travel and accommodation included) for the completion of the project.
  • All PhD students of SymbNET participating institutions are eligible to apply.
  • Students from CAU, UNIL and EMBL can apply to collaborate with FCG-IGC or ITQB NOVA; Students from FCG-IGC or ITQB NOVA can apply to collaborate with CAU, UNIL and EMBL.
  • All research groups and facilities can participate.
  • Detailed information and submissions:
  • Contact if you have questions.

Call for projects co-led by 1 clinician and 1 scientist engaged in basic research – ISREC Foundation, – Deadline 01.03.2022

Tandem: A call for translational cancer research projects co-led by one clinician and one scientist engaged in basic research

It is widely agreed that creativity and innovation take place at the interface of disciplines, when two mind-sets meet to solve a common problem. Inter- or multi-disciplinary teams are motivated by the challenge of sharing a common goal, and by coming at it from different angles – forming a cooperative, not competitive collaboration. The AGORA cancer research center was built by the ISREC Foundation to bring together researchers from different institutions with a common goal – that of developing innovative therapies and diagnostics for cancer patients. Engineers from EPFL, academic researchers from UNIL, and clinician scientists from the CHUV in Lausanne and the HUG in Geneva work under one roof. The ISREC Foundation is launching this call for projects to be submitted by pairs of clinicians and research scientists (one each) who have jointly designed a translational research project that they will co-lead.

The Tandem program will fund 2- or 3-year grants for the salaries of postdocs or research assistants who will be co-supervised by a team of equals – one clinician and one research scientist/engineer.

Submission deadline : 01.03.2022 
Further information:

Requêtes à la Fondation Herbette 2011

La Fondation Herbette est une fondation de droit privé. Elle est dirigée par un Conseil de fondation, présidé par un membre du Rectorat de l’Université. Le Conseil de fondation examine chaque année des rapports de la Faculté des géosciences et de l’environnement et de la Faculté de biologie et de médecine qui contiennent les requêtes proposées par un Comité de sélection.

La date limite pour le dépôt des requêtes pour 2011 est fixée au mardi 31 août 2011 (par courrier et par courriel).

Voir aussi :
Demande subside
Directive Rapport
Informations aux Bénéf
Usages CS Herbette

Sinergia: Deadline Jan 15

With Sinergia, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) aims to make collaborative projects in independent research possible. Funding will be given to interconnected projects consisting of at least 3 to a maximum of 6 research groups. The groups will jointly tackle a proposed topic which taps into a very promising new area of research and/or is at the cutting-edge of international research. The programme is geared towards research teams working within one discipline as well as for interdisciplinary projects.

General Conditions

Research groups may be based at various universities or research centres in Switzerland. One of the research groups may be outside Switzerland if the expertise is required and no other group in the country can supply this at a sufficiently high level.

The applying groups assign one applicant to legally represent them at the SNSF. This person must work at a university or a research centre in Switzerland.

Applications must include an overall, joint research plan, specific work schedules for sub projects, and a description of how the groups will collaborate. Each sub project has its own detailed budget. The joint budget can include costs related to the collaboration between the groups. In a Sinergia project each group usually works on one sub project. Funding will be granted for a maximum of 36 months.

The research plan and the CVS must be written in English. Exceptions can be accorded prior to submission upon request to the administrative office of the SNSF (see contacts).

more info

European Science Foundation general calls

the European Science Foundation (ESF) announces a series of calls for proposals which will give the opportunity to propose collaborative research projects and networking activities with a European dimension. The time frame of these funding opportunities is annually published in the ESF Common Call leaflet, available to download on the ESF website and widely distributed among ESF Member Organisations and European research community.