Funding for collaborations with South Africa, China, South Corea, Russia, India, Brazil, Chile, Japan

Le SER a lancé des programmes de coopération bilatérale avec les pays ci-dessous. Plusieurs appels d’offre viennent d’être publiés. Voici un aperçu de tous les programmes:

Afrique du Sud (y c. instituts de recherche suisses en Côte d’Ivoire et Tanzanie)
Disciplines: Public Health & Bio-Medicine; Bio- & Nanotechnology, Human & Social Sciences
Fonds pour: Faculty exchange; Student exchange
Délai: aucun (candidatures acceptées toute l’année)

Disciplines: Toutes
Fonds pour: Institutional partnerships
Délai: 30 septembre 2010 Continue reading

Polish-Swiss research programme

Within the scope of its Enlargement Contribution, Switzerland supports a research partnership programme with Poland of CHF 19 million. On 16th December 2009, many of you already seized the opportunity to get to know more about this programme at an information event organized in Fribourg.

The corresponding Call for proposals was launched on 1st April. Interested Swiss research institutions have now and until 30th July 2010 the opportunity to submit project proposals in the following five thematic areas, together with Polish institutions:

  • information and communications technology
  • renewable energies
  • nanotechnologies
  • health
  • environment

60% of the available funds will be allocated to projects between CHF 300’000 – 1 million, whereas 40% of funds will be used for projects between CHF 1 – 2 million. First projects are expected to be implemented starting in spring 2011.

All additional information concerning the open Call for proposals as well as the Call documentation is available on:

<file://> <file://> <file://> <file://>

At this occasion, we would like to draw your attention to possible synergies with the scholarship programme sciex-NMS ( <file://> ), which was launched in Poland in autumn 2009 and which offers young scientists the opportunity to realize scientific exchanges of up to two years. The next Call for proposals for sciex-NMS in Poland is to be launched in early September 2010.

FP7 IRSES; deadline: Mar 25

FP7-IRSES 2010: Boost your institution’s cooperation overseas!

Do you want to team up with a lab located overseas? IRSES supports you!

By: Frédérique Zehnder

FP7-PEOPLE: Call IRSES 2010, International Research Staff Exchange Scheme, is published!

What is IRSES?

IRSES is a Marie Curie Action that offers research institutions a financial contribution for staff exchanges:

  • At least two laboratories or universities based in at least two different countries in Europe (EU-27 Members States and Associated countries such as Switzerland) can team up with a research institution located in a non-EU-country (see list* below) in order to carry out a joint research project.
  • The European Commission finances a monthly lump-sum of € 1’900/person. New for the Call IRSES 2010: Partners located in emerging countries can also ask for this contribution if duly justified.
  • During the staff exchange, employees are “seconded”, i.e. they remain employed by their institution of origin. The duration of the individual secondment is max. 12 months.
  • Staff to be exchanged can be researchers, technicians and managers. The financial support provided for an IRSES project can last from min. 24 to 48 months.

The Call IRSES 2010 is open on November 25, with a deadline for submission on March 25, 2010. The overall budget is €30 mio.

You find decisive information about IRSES in the Guide for Applicants 2010.

*List of the non-EU-countries eligible for IRSES: Algeria, Argentina, Armenia Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, China, Chile, Egypt, Georgia, India, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Palestinian-administrated areas, New Zealand, Rep. of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine and USA.

For further information about IRSES and other Marie Curie Actions, please contact the National Contact Point Mobility:

CH-China cooperation

Des possibilités de financement d’échanges dans toutes les disciplines sont offertes dans le cadre du programme de coopération bilatéral Suisse-Chine.
Les instruments ci-dessous sont concernés:

  • Faculty/Research staff exchange grants;
  • Student exchange grants.

Le délai de dépôt des dossiers est au 15 mars 2010.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le site internet du programme:

contact UNIL:

Deputy Head of International Relations

International Relations
Chateau de Dorigny
University of Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne

Tel. : +41 21 692 2023
Fax : +41 21 692 2005 <>

“Germaine de Staël”, collaboration France-Switzerland

Le programme “Germaine de Staël” promeut la collaboration entre les chercheurs et groupes de chercheurs suisses et français par le remboursement des frais de voyage et de séjour ainsi occasionnés. Les participants suisses reçoivent environ 4500 francs par projet et par année.

30 avril 2010
Dépôt d’un nouveau dossier

3 septembre 2010
Demande d’une deuxième année de soutien

décembre 2010
Décision (accord / refus)

1er janvier 2011
Début du projet