CIG central services’ new structure

The CIG has created a new support structure which aims at consolidating and widening its support to all groups at CIG.

The new structure, co-headed by Frederic Preitner and Nicole Vouilloz, includes the genotyping and phenotyping facilities, cell culture facility, the workshop and staff from the previously Mouse Metabolic Facility, which becomes now an internal service structure. the structure proposes:
1) scientific support to experimentation 
cell culture: preparation of cells, provision of a bank of cell lines;
histological analyses
genotyping of mice
clinical chemistry, hormone assays;
teaching/consulting in mice studies / breedings; specialized studies in mice, etc;
2) technical support
equipments maintenance and repairs at workshop the responsibility of the workshop is transferred to Guy Niederhauser (process for requests remains the same: )
support for standard bench experiments,
on-demand preparation of specific consumables, etc;
3) valorization of internal resources
Equipment management (purchases/replacements);
optimization of work fluxes among technical services;
communication/presentation of resources to researchers.
Note that the creation of this structure follows a decision by the Dean’s office that the MEF was to be considered as a CIG internal service (and not an FBM Core Facility)