Who is Claudia?
Dr Claudia Salat Canela started a year ago in the Vještica lab as a postdoctoral researcher. See her introduction: https://www.genomyx.ch/welcome-to-claudia/
The CIG is very proud that she got this highly competitive grant and sends her its warmest congratulations!
What is this fellowship?
EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships support excellent postdoctoral researchers throughout Europe and the world for a period of up to two years. International mobility is a key requirement.
The fellowship includes a salary or stipend, a relocation allowance and support for fellows with children. Awardees can attend an EMBO Laboratory Leadership course and become part of the global network of EMBO Fellows.
Further information on this grant: https://www.embo.org/funding/fellowships-grants-and-career-support/postdoctoral-fellowships/