Congratulations to N. Hernandez and B. Thorens who were named Prof. Emeritus from Aug. 1, 2022

13 professors from the Faculty of Biology and Medicine were named Professors Emeritus at the University of Lausanne from the 1st of Aug. 2022.

The CIG is very proud of Prof. Hernandez and Prof. Thorens who inspired its members by the excellence of their researches, their careers and personalities.–distinctions/fbm-awards/laureats-2022.html#les-photos

Top left to borrom right: Vincent Barras, Thierry Calandra, Jean-Nicolas Despland, Michel Duchosal, Blaise Genton, Pierre Goloubinoff, Nouria Hernandez, Philippe Maeder, René Prêtre, Pascal Singy, Olivier Spertini, Bernard Thorens et Andrea Volterra © UNIL-CHUV, droits réservés