CUSO workshop on Plant development, Sep. 3, 2021 Deadline Jul. 26, 2021

Johanna Krahmer, Dr., University of Lausanne
Ana Lopez-Vazquez, PhD student, University of Lausanne
Christian Fankhauser, Prof., University of Lausanne

This is a one-day workshop on plant development with a journal club, lectures, interactive discussions, and a poster session.
The lectures will be given by three established group leaders covering different aspects of plant development with a focus on above-ground parts: Dr Edwige Moyroud (Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge), Prof Marja Timmermans (ZMBP, University of Tübingen) and Prof Enrico Coen (John Innes Centre, Norwich). The speakers will give an introduction to their research area and present their own research. Therefore students will not only learn about plant development but also about current research topics, they will be encouraged to think about and discuss the research process and challenges involved.
In order to make students familiar with the topics ahead of the lectures and to allow speakers to focus on their latest research rather than long introduction, students will be asked to read one paper of each speaker in advance. These papers will be discussed in a journal club earlier the same day of the workshop, where UNIL teachers will guide the discussion. The papers will be sent out at least 1 month in advance to the participants, to allow careful reading.
The meeting will finish with a poster session and time for more discussion of students with the speakers and among themselves. Posters should be about the students’ PhD projects – either focussing on results or outlining planned projects for students early on in the PhD.
As an additional feature of this workshop, virtual hubs will be set up at the Leloir Institute and Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology or Rosario (IBR), Argentina and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. These hubs will be two-way interactive during the lectures and discussions and one-to-one virtual meetups during the poster session will be possible. This is to allow students at these other universities to benefit and to give an opportunity for interaction between students in different countries as we realise that these days graduate students do not have much opportunity to do this due to the pandemic.
This hybrid on-site / virtual strategy is also a chance for students and organisers to become familiar with novel conference formats that allow international participation with local in-person meetings but without the need for time-consuming travel and associated CO2 emissions.

If required due to the pandemic, this meeting will be converted to an entirely virtual format.


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