Next call for candidates: June 1st 2023, deadline to send applications: August 31st 2023
The FBM Transition Grants (previously “Bourse Pro-Femmes”) are intended to encourage the academic development of women employed by the CHUV, UNIL and Unisanté.
The grants, for a maximum duration of two years, can be used to cover:
- partially the salary of the beneficiaries to enable them to devote more time to the submitted research project;
- research costs (e.g. staff, consumables, equipment);
- the costs of a stay abroad (but not for the entire period of the grant) as part of an academic project or further training related to the submitted research project.
If the grant is awarded, it may amount to CHF 100,000 over 24 months. For the other details, please refer to the rules in force.
Candidate files are to be sent to: