List of grant applications’ deadlines (including SNF)

Dear Professors, Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
Please find below some submission’s deadlines for your SNSF requests during the next six months of 2017. For further information on the SNSF’s funding programmes and instruments, please visit the SNSF’s web site periodically at the following addresses:
In August 2017, I will retired. The next « all users » e-mail of information on the instruments and programmes of the Swiss National Foundation will be sent by my colleague, Mrs Véronique Longchamp, at present in charge of the mobility fellowships and the Doc.CH grants, who will partially replace me.
– ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017
ERA.NET RUS PLUS has launched a second joint call: « Science & Technology ». The goal of the call is to set up a long term collaboration in the field of research and innovation between EU Member States/Associated Countries and Russia. The joint call covers science and technology projects. Research proposals can be submitted in the following S&T topics: Nanotechnologies, Environment/climate change, Health, Social sciences and humanities and robotics.
Submission deadline04.07.2017
More information at the following address:
– New Lead Agency agreement with the funding agency of Wallonia
To simplify collaboration with Belgian researchers, the SNSF has signed a Lead Agency agreement with the funding organisation of French-speaking Wallonia The Lead Agency process is aimed at researchers in Switzerland who wish to conduct a cross-border research project. The process simplifies the submission and evaluation of transnational applications.
Submission deadline06.07.2017
More information at the following address:
– Advanced Postdoc.Mobility
Advanced Postdoc.Mobility fellowships are designed for postdocs who wish to enhance their scientific profile by working at a research institution abroad. In addition to the fellowship, applicants can request a grant for a research period upon returning to Switzerland. The fellowships include a grant for subsistence costs, a flat-rate for travel expenses and a possible contribution to research, conference costs and matriculation fees. The return grant includes a salary and social security contributions. The funding period is 12 to 36 months (fellowship) and 3 to 12 months (return phase).
Last submission deadline for this instrument01.08.2017
More information at the following address:
*As the 1st January 2018 the « Advanced Postdoc.Mobility » fellowships will be replaced by the « Postdoc.Mobility » fellowships
Please find more information on this new instrument at the following address:

– Agora
The Agora scheme aims to promote the spread of knowledge, as well as the exchange of views and perspectives about scientific research. It therefore encourages projects involving two-way processes – with interaction and listening – which generate dialogues between researchers and the public.The call for proposals is issued each year. Grants of between CHF 5,000 and CHF 200,000 are awarded for both small communication formats and large-scale initiatives with more far-reaching goals. Diverse activities are supported, for example: discussions and debates, hands-on workshops, multimedia projects, serious games, theatre and performances, interactive exhibitions, education projects with schools, etc.
Submission deadline01.09.2017
More information at the following address
– Doc Mobility
Doc.Mobility fellowships are designed for doctoral students who wish to enhance their scientific profile by working at a research institution abroad. The fellowships include a grant towards living costs, a flat-rate for travel expenses and, if justified, a contribution towards research and conference costs as well as matriculation fees.  These fellowships are awarded for a minimum of 6 months up to a maximum of 18 months.
Submission deadline01.09.2017
More information at the following address:
Candidates must contact the Research Commission of the UNIL, as soon as possible
(Mme Véronique Longchamp, tél.: 021 692 20 80; e-mail:
– Early Postdoc.Mobility
Early Postdoc.Mobility fellowships are designed for postdocs at the beginning of their career who wish to enhance their scientific profile by working at a research institution abroad. The fellowships include a grant towards living costs, a flat-rate for travel expenses and, if justified, a contribution towards research and conference costs as well as matriculation fees. In principle, these fellowships are awarded for 18 months, in justified cases for at least 12 months.
Submission deadline01.09.2017
More information at the following address:
Candidates must contact the Research Commission of the UNIL, as soon as possible
(Mme Véronique Longchamp, tél.: 021 692 20 80; e-mail:
– Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials (IICT) – Support for investigator initiated clinical trials
The IICT programme is targeted at researchers who wish to conduct an independent investigator initiated clinical trial. Support will be given to studies that are not in the industry focus and whose topics are as yet under-researched.
01.09.2017—> « Letters of intent »  
01.11.2017 —> submission of proposals
More information at the following address:
Contact: Raphael Banz, Biology and Medicine division (tél.: +41 31 308 22 22; e-mail:
– Doc.CH (SHS)
Doc.CH (HSS) is aimed at promising researchers who wish to write a doctoral thesis on a topic of their own choice in the humanities and social sciences in Switzerland. Besides the salary of the doctoral student, the grant may include a contribution towards costs directly related to project implementation.
Submission deadline10.09.2017
More information at the following address:
Candidates must contact the Research Commission of the UNIL, as soon as possible
(Mme Véronique Longchamp, tél.: 021 692 20 80; e-mail:
BRIDGE is a joint programme conducted by the SNSF and the Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI). It offers new funding opportunities at the intersection of basic research and science-based innovation thereby supplementing the funding activities of the two organisations.
BRIDGE consists of two funding schemes:
«  Proof of Concept »  is aimed at young researchers who wish to develop an application or service based on their research results. These projects may target all kinds of innovations from all research areas.
«  Discovery »  is aimed at experienced researchers who want to explore and implement the innovation potential of research results. Only technological innovations that have a societal and economic impact will be funded.
Next submission deadlines:
BRIDGE Proof of Concept: 11.09.2017
BRIDGE Discovery: the date is still unknown, probably at the beginning of 2018 
Pour de plus amples informations:
– Project funding (all disciplines)
The Swiss National Science Foundation (hereinafter “the SNSF”) provides project funding to enable researchers to conduct research projects on self-chosen topics and with self-chosen goals under their own responsibility.
Researchers can apply for coverage of research costs and staff salaries as well as for the funding of scientific cooperation, networking and communication; however, they may not apply for their own salaries.
The grants are awarded for one to four years and the minimum amount that can be requested is 50 000 CHF. Project funding is intended to encourage researchers to focus on one project and plan it for a four-year period.
Submission deadline01.10.2017
More information at the following address:
Innovations in project funding 
Aiming to optimise its main funding scheme, the SNSF commissioned a client survey on project funding and set up an internal working group. This resulted in changes aimed at implementing a more effective, client-friendly and attractive project funding scheme for researchers. The changes have been included in separate regulations for project funding, which came into force in October 2016.
More information at the following address:
Research data should be freely accessible to everyone – for scientists as well as for the general public.
The SNSF agrees with this principle and will introduce new requirements in its project funding scheme as of October 2017Researchers will have to include a data management plan (DMP) in their funding application. At the same time, the SNSF expects that data generated by funded projects will be publicly accessible in non-commercial, digital databases provided there are no legal, ethical, copyright or other issues.
Applicants must enter a DMP that is understandable, suits their project and meets the standards set by their research community. At this stage, the DMP is considered a draft and excluded from the evaluation process. If the SNSF approves the application, the grant holders will be able to adapt, improve or enhance their DMP for as long as the project lasts. The definitive DMP must be provided by the end of the project at the latest.
PRIMA grants are aimed at excellent female researchers from Switzerland and abroad who aspire to a professorship in Switzerland. PRIMA grantees lead their own research project at a Swiss higher education institution. They work independently and have a team of their own.
A PRIMA grant comprises the grantee’s salary and project funds for a duration of up to 5 years, the possibility to plan a stay at another host institution and the offer of a mentoring network. With this generously endowed grant, the promoted researchers should be able to enhance their academic profile. The SNSF intends to award up to 12 grants each year to excellent women researchers.
Submission deadline01.11.2017
More informations at the following address:
– Sinergia – interdisciplinary, collaborative and breakthrough
The Sinergia regulations provide the legal basis for Sinergia proposals and grants, and describe the conditions for awarding a Sinergia grant.
Submission deadline01.12.2017
More informations at the following address:
– Mobility grants in projects
Mobility grants are aimed at doctoral students who wish to improve their scientific profile by going abroad while being employed in an ongoing SNSF research project.
A mobility grant can cover travel and living costs as well as fees for conferences and workshops of up to CHF 20,000. It is awarded for six to twelve months
Submission deadline: all year round (on a first-come, first-served basis)
More informations at the following address:
– Gender equality grant
The gender equality grant is aimed at young women researchers funded by the SNSF. It offers them additional individualised and flexible support for their career development.
An eligible person receives CHF 1000 per 12 months’ approved project running time. The grant may be used to finance career support measures but does not cover family support measures.
Submission deadlineanytime
More information at the following address:
– Scientific Exchanges (as April 2017, the « International Short Visits », the «  Exploratory Workshops » and lthe «  Conférences Grants » are replaced by the « Scientific Exchanges ») 
Scientific Exchanges is aimed at researchers who want to host their own scientific event in Switzerland, invite colleagues from abroad for a research visit to Switzerland, or visit their colleagues in another country.
Scientific conferences and workshops are the two types of event covered by the scheme. Research visits by Swiss researchers to other countries or by researchers from abroad to Switzerland are funded for a period of 1 to 6 months. For scientific events, the travel expenses and food and board costs of participants from abroad are covered, for research visits those of travelling guests.
Submission deadlineall year round (at least 4 months before the event or visit)
More information at the following address:
Further Information on the SNSF’s programmes and instruments is available at the following address*:
(click on “Funding” at the top of the page)
A list of forthcoming deadlines can be found at the following address, at any time:
To access mySNF, a user account is necessary. You can request an account, by clicking on « Benutzer/in new registrerez »  (« Register new user »), at the following address: 
Please note: new user accounts must be verified by the SNSF before they can be used. The successful set-up of the user account will be confirmed to you by e-mail and it can take some time (usually 5 days in Switzerland and 2 weeks from abroad)
Tél.: +41 31 308 22 88 (english)
*only the information available on the SNSF’s Web site is valid and authorized