PEOPLE 2011: Calls for Individual Fellowships open!
By: Véronique Sordet
The three Calls for Marie Curie Individual Fellowships are open on March 16! The Individual Fellowships support experienced researchers to carry out research abroad and acquire new skills and knowledge.
- IEF, Intra-European Fellowship: provides financial support for trans-national mobility in Europe for a period of 12 to 24 months. Applicants can be of any nationality but must move from a Member State (MS) or an Associated Country (AC) to another MS or AC.
- IOF, International Outgoing Fellowship: offers the opportunity to do some research in a third country (USA, China, Canada, India, Russia, South Africa, New Zealand, etc.) for a period of 12 to 24 months, followed by a mandatory return phase of 1 year in Europe. Researchers must be nationals of a Member State or an Associated Country.
- IIF, International Incoming Fellowship: aims to attract researchers who are currently active in a third country to come (back) to Europe and work on research projects. Researchers can be of any nationaliy but must move from a third country to a Member State or an Associated Country.
Definition of “Experienced researchers”: “At the time of the relevant deadline for submission, experienced researchers must be either in possession of a Ph.D. or have at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience after they had formally obtained the degree that entitles them to embark on a doctorate.” WP People 2011.
Deadline for submission for the three Calls: August 11, 2011, at 17:00, Brussels time.
More information in the Guides for Applicants published on the CORDIS web page or in the PEOPLE Work Programme 2011.
For further question, contact your National Contact Point for Mobility: