From the ERC News Alert
- New call for proposals ERC Advanced Investigator Grant
- Call budget: 661.400.000 &euro
- Deadlines by domain:
- – Physical Sciences and Engineering (ERC-2011-ADG_20110209): 09 February 2011, 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
- – Life Sciences (ERC-2011-ADG_20111109): 10 March 2011, 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
- – Social Sciences & Humanities (ERC-2011-ADG_20110406): 06 April 2011, 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Applicants for the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant are expected to be active researchers who have a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years. Although there are no restrictions regarding age, nationality, or current place of residence, the Principal Investigators should be exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions. Principal Investigators of Advanced Grant proposals will be expected to demonstrate a record of achievements appropriate to their field(s) of research. Potential Principal Investigators may include leading scientists in Europe and those of the European community overseas or non-Europeans wishing to establish themselves in Europe to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk research that opens new directions in their respective research fields or other domains.
More on the ERC Grants:
Background: Set up in 2007, the European Research Council (ERC) aims to stimulate scientific excellence in Europe by supporting the very best, creative researchers. The ERC funds both top senior scientists (“ERC Advanced Grants”) and younger, early-career research leaders (“ERC Starting Grants”). Scientific excellence is the only selection criterion in the ERC’s peer reviewed grant competitions. The ERC operates according to an “investigator-driven”, or “bottom- up”, approach and there are no thematic priorities.
The ERC has a total budget of &euro 7.5 billion (2007-2013) and is the newest, pioneering component of the EU’s 7th Research Framework Programme.