Open position: Postdoctoral position in Bacterial Evolutionary Genomics at the CHUV (July 2014)

Postdoctoral position in Bacterial Evolutionary Genomics
University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), Switzerland
We are seeking an independent, highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on the microevolution and transmission dynamics of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The project will utilise next-generation sequencing of a large strain collection, combined with state-of-the art bioinformatics techniques, to examine the emergence and spread of a MRSA clone at multiple scales; within a single health care setting, regionally and internationally. The analysis will also exploit detailed epidemiological information on patient movements. The successful candidate will have a proven track record in comparative genomics, molecular epidemiology, and. experience with computational/bioinformatics tools. A background in mathematical modelling would also be advantageous.

The research group is headed by P.D. Dominique Blanc and is in the service of hospital preventive medicine, with strong interaction with the Institute of Microbiology of Lausanne. The research interests of our group concern the molecular epidemiology of hospital acquired infections, with a special interest in MRSA.

The candidates should have a good knowledge of English. French is helpful but not necessary. The salary is generous and is set according to the University of Lausanne. The start date will October 1, 2014, or by mutual arrangement, for a 2-year period.

To apply, please send a single pdf containing your application letter, CV and the names of two or three references to: