contributions of lincRNAs to the regulation cell cycle progression
Work in my group combines computational and experimental approaches and aims to establish the roles of intergenic long noncoding RNAs in homeostasis and disease.
I am currently looking for highly motivated PhD student to work on a multidisciplinary project aiming to investigate the roles of intergenic long noncoding RNAs in the regulation of cell cycle progression. The successful candidate will use computational genomics to globally assess the contributions of lncRNAs to the regulation of cell cycle progression and genetics/cell biology to validate and functionally characterise cell cycle regulatory candidates.
Ideally applicants should have knowledge and experience in both computational and molecular/cell biology. Applications from candidates with a strong background in one aspect and a keen interested in acquiring training and expanding their skills toolkit will be considered. Applicant must have a Master degree and be proficient in English.
The 4-year PhD studentship is available from the 1st of May 2015 and is fully funded. The successful candidate will benefit from extensive training in genomics and RNA biology. The lab is located in the center of Europe in the beautiful city of Lausanne in Switzerland. For more details on the group please refer to our webpage:
Please submit a CV, statement of research interest and names and contact details of two references before the 18th of March 2015 to: Ana Marques (