Céline Favrod, former Master student in Mehdi Tafti’s group, successfully defended her master thesis in Experimental Psychology on August 31st, 2010. Francoise Schenk directed Céline’s Master at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UNIL. The work is entitled “Revue des Connaissances sur la Narcolepsie et Etude des Cataplexies chez la Souris Déficiente en Orexine: Enregistrements Comportementaux et Polysomnographiques Couplés” (“Current State of Knowledge on Narcolepsy & an Experimental Study of Cataplexy in the Orexin-Deficient Mouse Model”). Céline was supervised by Anne Vassalli in M. Tafti’s laboratory.
Tag Archives: Master students
Two new master students in M.Tafti’s group
Welcome to José Manuel Dellepiane and Cyril Mikhail, two new master students who will be working at the CIG in M.Tafti’s group between February 22th, 2010 and January 31st, 2011.
A new master student in Prof. Martin’s group
Welcome to Laetitia Basterra, a new master student who will be working with Felipe Bendezu from S. Martin’s group from February 22nd, 2010 to the end of February 2011.
A new master student in Prof. Herr’s group
Welcome to Josselin Moosbrugger, a new master student who will be working with Daphné Sung from W. Herr’s group from February 22nd, 2010 to the end of February 2011.
Good luck to Joëlle Gervaix
Joëlle finished her master training in Henrik Kaessmann’s group on January 31, 2010.
A new master student in Prof. Thorens’ group
Welcome to Nadège Rossier, a new master student who will be working with Maria Preitner from B. Thorens’ group from February 22nd, 2010 to February 21st, 2011.
Nadège has obtained her bachelor at the University of Fribourg.