The Doctoral Day (D.Day) will take place at UNIL on Apr. 27, 2022 – Deadline 31.03.2022

What is it? 
D.Day is a one-day conference organized by PhD students for PhD students where you have the chance to present your work and see what the other PhD students from FBM are doing. You can present your work either by a poster, a 10 minutes-talk, or a 3 minutes elevator pitch.

What more? 
Five invited keynote speakers from both academia and industry will present their work and you will get the chance to chat with them.

 The event will happen this year in person at the Biophore Amphitheater on the Dorigny campus.

Wednesday the 27th of April 2022 from 8:30 till 18:00.

How to participate? 
PhD students who wish to participate must prepare a poster.
In addition to the poster you can also apply to be selected for a 10 min presentation.
Students who don’t get selected for a talk will be given the opportunity to present their project in a 3-minutes elevator pitch (without slides). 
If you don’t wish to present, don’t worry! You are still more than encouraged to come to listen to your fellow PhD students!

What for? 
Participants qualify for credits ECTS validated by the Ecole doctorale: 

  • 10 minutes-talk + poster: 1 ECTS
  • 3 minutes Elevator pitch + poster: 0.75 ECTS
  • Poster alone: 0.5 ECTS

Where do we register? Registrations and abstract submission can be done here. 

Abstract submission can be done until the 31st of March upon registration. Don’t forget to indicate if you wish to present a talk.
Please follow the guidelines.

Coffee, tea, lunch and an apero at the end of the day will be provided to all participants!