Welcome to Dusan Racko

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Dusan Racko joined the group of Prof Andrzej Stasiak at the Centre

of Integrative Genomics of the Lausanne Univeristy. Dusan studies supercoiling

 phenomenon of genomic molecules under confinement in living cell environment

 by means of high performance computing (HPC) molecular dynamics simulations (MD),

 analyzing also DNA topology and knots formation.

Dusan Racko came from Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences,

 where he works in the Department of Molecular Simulations of Polymers.

 He’s graduated as a chemical engineer with speciality in computer modelling

 and simulations of processes. He partially did his PhD studies at the Florence

 University, at Department of Chemistry, in the group of Prof Gianni Cardini

 where Dusan worked on his PhD thesis in the field of molecular simulations.

 Later on he spent three years as a post-doc at the Donostia International

Physiscs Center, in the group for Polymers and Soft Matter of Prof Juan

 Colmenero, working on computer simulations of polymer condensed matter.

 Dusan also lived two years in Morocco and took part on about fourty

international conferences, workshops and summerschool in the EU and the US.