2nd Human Brain Project Education workshop

Capture d’écran 2015-01-30 à 15.55.26
Capture d’écran 2015-01-30 à 15.55.43

There are few places left on the 2nd Human Brain Project Education workshop which will be held in Lausanne on March 15-18 (see attached flyer). It is a unique opportunity to learn about the Human Brain Project and Future Medicine for brain diseases.


Lectures and hands-on sessions will be led by experts from basic neuroscience, clinical neuroscience, medical informatics, bioinformatics, computer science and healthcare industry. During the hands-on sessions the participants will team-up in small groups (4-6) for collaborative data-driven work using the data and web-based analysis tools provided by the HBP medical informatics platform. The hands-on sessions will be guided by mentors and experts and run like a hackathon. The participants are encouraged to generate new ideas and develop new techniques.


The course is open to students with previous experience in neuroimaging, genetic, bioinformatics, statistics or computer science. Some knowledge of data-mining tools and scientific programing software (matlab, R, Python, SQL …) is desirable.


Registration: see detail in the leaflet or http://www.chuv.ch/neurosciences/dnc_home/dnc-recherche/dnc-hbp/dnc-education-workshop-hbp. Deadline extended to the 06.02.2014


Price: Free. Students who are not from Lausanne and Geneva area will receive free accommodation in shared rooms and reimbursement of lowest excursion fare air travel.



Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois: Richard Frackowiak, Ferath Kherif,  Bogdan Draganski, Tea Danelutti.

EPFL: Anastasia Ailamaki

HBP Education Programme Office: Alois Saria, Christiane Riedl, Elisabeth Wintersteller