Institute of Genomics received H2020 ERA-Chair grant in 2018.
The project started from 1st of September 2018 and will last for 5 years.
The proposed ERA Chair – the Center for Genomics, Evolution and Medicine (cGEM), aims to apply advancements in genomic medicine in an evolutionarily-aware framework to account for different evolutionary pathways of populations which have led to differences in susceptibility to common diseases. cGEM group (, led by Dr Anders Eriksson, was recently formed with the goal to bridge the fields of bioinformatics, evolutionary biology and genomic medicine. The research in the cGEM ERA Chair group will be focussed on combining tools and data from different disciplines to gain insights into the genetic variation, regulatory mechanisms for gene expression and gene-environment interactions responsible for variation in complex human traits and susceptibility to disease within and between and populations, and translating these insights into clinical practise and collaboration with industry.
Who do we need?
Senior Research Fellow of Evolutionary and Population Genomics
researcher in evolutionary genetics, population genetics, computational genetics and genomics or related fields
Senior Research Fellow of Bioinformatics and Medical Genomics
researcher in medical and functional genetics, bioinformatics, personalised medicine or related fields
Senior Research Fellow of Molecular Medicine (position under Institute of Clinical Medicine)
researcher in medical genetics and diagnostics, molecular medicine, and/or clinical research or related fields
What do we offer?
The recruitment package includes a competitive salary, fully funded positions for one postdoc and one PhD student to complete the team. It is a 4-year position starting from 1st of November 2019 to 31rd of August 2023, which can be extended if successful.
How to apply?
Applications should include a letter of application, CV, motivation letter, list of research publications, research agenda including contacts of two references and a copy of a document which shows the candidate to hold the required qualification. In your publication list, please explain briefly the relevance of your most important work.
In order to be considered for the position, the candidate must submit required documents to the UT Human Resources Office (email: at the latest on 16.09.2019
Further Information:
Mait Metspalu, PhD director of Institute of Genomics,
Andres Salumets, Institute of Clinical Medicine,
Anders Eriksson, PhD, cGEM ERA Chair, group leader genomics guided evolutionary medicine,
Merit Kreitsberg, project manager,
Further information:
Senior Research Fellow of Bioinformatics and Medical Genomics
Senior Research Fellow of Evolutionary and Population
Senior Research Fellow of Molecular Medicine