3rd radiz Rare Diseases Summer School, July 1st-3rd 2015 on lake Zurich, Switzerland

Ladies and Gentlemen

Apply now to join us for the 3rd RARE DISEASES SUMMER SCHOOL organized by radiz– the Rare Disease Initiative Zurich, which will take place in the Tagungszentrum Schloss Au, Wädenswil (on lake Zurich), from July 1st to July 3rd 2015. radiz is a clinical research priority program of the University of Zurich.

The application deadline is March 31st2015.

Please refer to our website http://www.radiz.uzh.ch/events/rarediseasessummerschool2015.html for current information about the summer school as well as information about the application procedure.

The 3rd radiz Rare Diseases Summer School will focus on a wide variety of subjects in the arena of rare diseases, from disease mechanisms and animal models, to improving diagnoses, to novel therapeutics. There will be lectures and workshops on drug development, model organisms, how to choose clinical endpoints, clinical trials, regulatory aspects, patient registries, patient initiated research, ethical considerations, as well as what rare diseases may tell us about common diseases.

The summer school will contain lectures by national and international rare disease experts, workshops, and poster presentations by participants. A high faculty-to-student ratio will allow participants to optimally benefit from the varied expertise of the faculty. There will be ample time for discussions, teamwork, as well as for socializing.

The school addresses clinicians, physician-scientists, postdocs, (MD-) PhD students, as well as select students from various disciplines such as medicine, biology,pharmaceutical science, psychology, sociology, and related fields.

Please forward this email to interested colleagues.

Yours sincerel

Saskia Karg


Dr. Saskia Karg
Wissenschaftliche Koordination radiz – Rare Disease Initiative Zürich
Klinischer Forschungsschwerpunkt für seltene Krankheiten Universität Zürich
Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich – Eleonorenstiftung
Steinwiesstrasse 75
CH-8032 Zürich
Telefon +41 44 266 32 57