International course announcement!!
Dear colleagues, Dear scientists,
PHENOMIN offers an international and first class training to provide engineers (Master’s degrees), PhDs and researchers with a wealth of information about the good practices regarding the use of mouse models in biomedical research (standardized techniques, ethics, regulations, analysis, data and resources, …). Mornings are devoted to seminars whereas afternoons are devoted to “practical sessions” needing the active attendees participation.
The topics of mouse genetics, mutagenesis, phenotyping, mouse colony management, conservation and distribution of genetically modified mice will be covered.
European speakers, involved in INFRAFRONTIER Mouse clinics, will join us.
Approximately 37 invited experts are invited at the school.
Objectives of the course:
o Accelerate the sharing of conceptual scientific advances, and all the new approaches that will profoundly change the basic research, preclinical and biopharmaceuticals discoveries.
o Transfer of technological knowledge ensuring the most effective experimental procedures in compliance with ethics and animal welfare for a successful use of mouse models.
o Support attendees in use of European and international resources for mouse phenogenomics (cryopreservation, distribution and phenotyping data lines already characterized and available to the scientific community).
o Help and advice attendees in their own research project through poster session, relevant work session on scientific and methodological issues, oral retransmission and personalized discussion with experts.
o Address the issue of continuing professional education consistent with the new European directive requirements about regulatory training and lab animal experiments.
Provisional Program and Registration
We are looking forward to receive your registration!