Apr 19-23: PERL & Presentation techniques course

Executive summary: we are organizing a series of courses by Damian
Conway on Perl programming (four days), and a one-day course on
“Presentation techniques”. These courses will take place in Lausanne on
19-23 April. Read on if you are interested…

The one-day course on “Presentation techniques” (Friday 23 April) is a
must for any scientific who has to present in front of an audience —
see http://damian.conway.org/Courses/Presentation.html for more detail.
Almost everyone who participated in last year’s Perl courses indicated
that they’d like to follow this one, which is probably the best possible
endorsement we could get !

Among the Perl courses, the first two days are a must for
bioinformaticians and biologists using Perl: “Understanding Perl Regexes
for Bioinformatics” (Monday 19 April) and “Perl Parsing Techniques for
Bioinformatics” (Tuesday 20 April).

The prerequisites for the courses are pretty minimal; people who have
followed the course “Perl Programming for Life Sciences” organised by
the SIB (http://edu.isb-sib.ch/course/view.php?id=74) fulfill the
requirements for all the courses without any problem.

The other courses are:

* “The productive programmer” (half-day, Wednesday 21 April morning);
how to be more productive using Unix and Perl
* “Mastering Perl Data Structures (half-day, Wednesday 21 April
afternoon): how to make the most of Perl for handling data.
* “Introduction to object-oriented Perl” (Thursday 22 April)

The cost is 100 CHF per course (or 500 CHF for all 6 courses) for
SIB members and other academic participants; other interested people
should contact me for more information.

Seats are limited, but we need a minimum number of participants over the
week for the course to happen, so please register early if you are

See http://www.isb-sib.ch/edu/BioinformaticsWorkshops/2010/DC-10.php for
more information and registration, and do not hesitate to contact Frederic Schutz if
you have any question !

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