Génopode retreat 2024: best poster prizes

The prizes for the best posters were given this year at the Génopode Retreat in Leysin (September 5 & 6, 2024) to:

1st price: Claire Paltenghi (van Leuwen lab) – Identification of suppressor genes rescuing Mendelian disease-causing genes in HAP1 cells (poster #42)

2nd price: Nathaniel Himmel (Benton lab) – A testis-expressed homologous of insect Gustatory and Odorant receptors (poster #31)

Seminar on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion: October 7, 2024, 12h15, Génopode Auditoire B

Dear All, 

As you know, the CIG takes all forms of workplace discrimination very seriously. To foster working conditions that respect Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI), PIs have recently attended a seminar led by UNIL’s EDI office. Moreover, a CIG EDI committee has been elected. 

As one of its first initiatives, the EDI committee has requested that an EDI seminar be presented to all CIG members, including PhDs, Postdocs and all PAT members, including those from central services.

The first EDI seminar will take place during a regular CIG seminar slot on Monday, October 7, 2024, at 12h15 in Genopode’s Auditoire B

As these topics are relevant to everyone, all CIG members are strongly encouraged to attend.

Discussion during this session and feedback from a questionnaire afterwards will be used to plan future events to ensure that all CIG members can openly discuss and receive training in EDI-related issues. 

Best regards,

Frédéric, for the CIG EDI Committee

Graduate Campus Courses

Develop your skills and contribute to the “savoir vivant”

Graduate Campus (https://courses.unil.ch/graduatecampus) offers a number of workshops specifically designed for doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and supervisors from all faculties (UNIL, CHUV and Unisanté). These workshops are free of charge.

You can register for our workshops in the following four modules:

  • Thesis from A to ZWhere to find the tools to get your PhD off to a good start, get support along the way, and to prepare your thesis defense.
  • Strengthen your skills: Develop your transferable skills, increase your confidence, and enhance your practice.
  • Develop your career: What comes next? Come to a Career Café to talk about it. The Graduate Campus organises a range of workshops to help doctoral candidates and postdocs take their next career steps.
  • Supervision: Workshops for professors and senior researchers to acquire tools and share best practices in the supervision of early career researchers.

CIG Progress Reports 2024-2025

Dear all, 

Please join us for the CIG Progress Reports 2024/2025 seminar series in which we’ll get to hear 30 stories developing in the department.

All are welcome!

Place: Amphimax 412 until early 2025, thereafter GEN auditorium. We will inform you of the room in every reminder email sent before the seminar.

Each speaker presents their work in 20-25 min + 5-10 questions.
For more dynamic discussions, we usually interrupt speakers with questions during the talk. The aim is to share your work with your colleagues and receive scientific feedback.

Please keep in mind that the CIG is very diverse and many of your colleagues are not familiar with details of your field and specific methodologies. Thus, we advise you to balance the amount of presented data against the time you have to present. 

Optional feedback on presentation skills using a questionnaire By popular demand, but only if desired, presenters can receive tips from a couple of PIs to improve presenter skills. For this, we prepared a feedback questionnaire to be filled out together over a brief discussion at the end of the seminar.


October 3 at 3:30 p.m. (4:00 p.m. as usual)