16 September 2011 (Friday) Paul Nurse, Medical Research and Innovation Center, UK
“Cell cycle control”
3 October 2011 Oded Beja, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
“Using metagenomics to understand viral photosynthesis“
7 November 2011 Evan Eichler, Washington University, USA
“Structural variation, disease and evolution of the human genome“
5 December 2011 Richard Benton, CIG, UNIL, Switzerland
“Flybook: The evolving social network of Drosophila“
9 January 2012 Elizabeth Wellington, University of Warwick, UK
“Environmental reservoirs of microbial pathogens: Implications for human and animal health“
6 February 2012 Gene Robinson, Illinois University, USA
“Genes and social behavior. Lessons from honey bees”
5 March 2012 Enrico Coen, John Innes Center, UK
“From genes to shapes”
2 April 2012 Ottoline Leyser, Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University, UK
“Hormonal control of shoot branching“
7 May 2012 Greg Hannon, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
“Guarding germ cell genomes against mobile genetic elements“
4 June 2012 Dolph Schluter, University of Bristish Columbia, Canada
“Genetic signature of adaptive peak shift in stickleback“