S. Ginster (LM) from the blog Career Conversations has teamed up with the Graduate Campus to create a seminar series that wants to help PhD students to plan their careers, achieve their goals and even give advice on how to start your own business.
For their first seminar, they have invited two guests who have created their own business:
Davide Staedler has had the idea for his start-up during his studies of biology and worked as CEO in parallel to doing his PhD. Today, he has a successful business for 10 years and additionally works as a lecturer and advisor for young PhD students, that would also like to create their own business.
The other guest, Victoria Baumgartner, was recommended to me as smart, ambitious, funny and witty. She is the founder and artistic director of a theatre company that does plays around the life and work or William Shakespeare. Her work is now translated into three languages and there is no end of success in sight.
The seminar will take place on January 24th, 5:30pm Unil Sorge campus.
Registration on the graduate campus website to join the seminar: