Sissy Bassani’s poster on the “Variant‑specific pathophysiologicalmechanisms of AFF3”

Sissy Bassani (former member of group Reymond) received the of Best Poster runners-up Award at the 57th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics, Berlin, Germany.

Prizes given to Chiara Auwerx and Francesca Mattioli (May 2024)

Chiara Auwerx and Francesca Mattioli (Reymond group) were awarded the best and the runners-up awards for best presentation at the Swiss Society of Medical Genetics annual meeting (May 16-17, 2024, Bern) for their “Rare copy-number variants as modulators of common disease susceptibility” and “Bi-allelic variants in BRF2 are associated with perinatal death and craniofacial anomalies” talks, respectively.

Génopode retreat 2023: best poster prizes

The prizes for the best posters were given this year at the Génopode Retreat in Leysin (August 24 & 25, 2023) to:

1st prize:
Chiara Auwerx​ (Kutalik & Reymond lab)​
poster #4: “Copy-number variants as modulators of common disease susceptibility”

2nd prize:
Camille Schmidt (van Leeuwen lab)
poster #53: “Characterizing the mechanisms of cisplatin resistance in cell lines impaired for interstrand crosslink repair”​
