We could not celebrate this two-month mark without acknowledging the outstanding achievements of this year’s Best Poster Award recipients, honoured during the Closing Ceremony:
Category Archives: Awards, honors, prizes
Génopode retreat 2024: best poster prizes
The prizes for the best posters were given this year at the Génopode Retreat in Leysin (September 5 & 6, 2024) to:
1st price: Claire Paltenghi (van Leuwen lab) – Identification of suppressor genes rescuing Mendelian disease-causing genes in HAP1 cells (poster #42)
2nd price: Nathaniel Himmel (Benton lab) – A testis-expressed homologous of insect Gustatory and Odorant receptors (poster #31)
Writing Science Clearly: Frédéric Preitner on the Doctoral school webpage
https://www.unil.ch/ecoledoctoralefbm/en/home.html (until mid October 2024)
https://news.unil.ch/display/1727340583220 (permalink)
Congratulation to Paul Franken!
Paul Franken received the FBM Lifetime Achievement Award in June 2024.
For his work on the role of sleep-wake states in driving clock gene expression and on systems genetics approaches to dissect the molecular pathways critical in the response to acute sleep loss.
More information: https://news.unil.ch/display/1718201518744
Sophie Croizier promoted + Apéro
Congratulations to Sophie Croizier on her PAST-PTC position at the DNF!
You are all welcome to an apero Monday July 1st at 4PM in the main hall to celebrate this with Sophie.
Sissy Bassani’s poster on the “Variant‑specific pathophysiologicalmechanisms of AFF3”
Sissy Bassani (former member of group Reymond) received the of Best Poster runners-up Award at the 57th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics, Berlin, Germany.