To save on delivery costs, orders from Merk, Sarstedt and Milan are gathered and placed on Thursday 2:00pm.
For this same reason and because of inflation on logistics costs, we are going to gather orders from Promega, Bioconcept, Reactolab and VWR as well.
Urgent orders that cannot wait the usual placement of orders on Tuesday 11:00am or Thursday 2:00pm must be pointed out to to be taken care of faster.
BIOINFORMATICS COMPETENCE CENTER BI CC The Bioinformatics Competence Center (BI C) is run jointly by FBM and EPFL’s School of Life Sciences. It provides highly specialized resources in bioinformatics for all aspects of data processing and analysis. Experts at the BI Ɔ C provide customized data analysis services that go beyond standard protocols to include project-specific algorithms, data processing pipelines, web reporting systems and visualization tools. The BI C is currently working on a wide range of projects: bulk and single-cell RNAseq data analysis, alternative splicing, ChipSeq, ATAC-Seq, Hi-C, DNA methylation, genome assembly, flow and mass cytometry data analysis, the detection of mutations in tumors, the prediction of mutation effects on proteins, proteomic, lipidomic and metabolomic analyses, and data formatting, aggregation and presentation (such as on customized websites). The BI C is intended for use by researchers at FBM, other UNIL faculties, EPFL, and outside entities (including companies, based on specific agreements).
BIOSTATISTICS FACILITY BSF The Biostatistics Facility (BSF) supports researchers with all aspects of biostatistics, including the analysis of data from high-throughput sequencing and the power analyses needed to prepare animal-testing requests. The BSF offers consulting services for all research steps requiring biostatistics: experimental design, writing grant applications, running the analyses and communicating the results. Its experts provide different forms of training such as courses, workshops, and tailored programs on specific statistical procedures for individual labs. The BSF is intended for use by researchers at FBM, other UNIL faculties and outside entities (including companies, based on specific agreements).
CELLULAR IMAGING FACILITY CIF The Cellular Imaging Facility (CIF) provides a wide range of optical microscopy services along with training (through courses, workshops and video tutorials) and consulting on topics such as using the latest open-access systems and developing tailor-made data acquisition and analysis protocols. Facility staff are available to support scientists in their research. The CIF is spread across four sites – Agora, Bugnon, Dorigny and Epalinges – each possessing a variety of imaging instruments for both general and specific research needs. In response to growing demand for remote access, the facility has set up powerful data processing and analysis workstations that can be used remotely for tasks like deconvolution and 3D reconstruction and for running common imaging software. The CIF is intended for use by researchers at FBM, other UNIL faculties and outside entities (including companies, based on specific agreements).
DUBOCHET CENTER FOR IMAGING DCI The Dubochet Center for Imaging (DCI), managed jointly by UNIL, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the University of Geneva (UNIGE), is highly specialized in cryo-electron microscopy. It is named after Prof. Jacques Dubochet, who was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his pioneering work in cryo-EM technology. The DCI aims to firmly establish the Lake Geneva region as a center of excellence in bioimaging research. The sophisticated technology available at the DCI lets researchers address questions related to single particle analysis, visualize structures at the atomic level and use cryo-electron tomography to observe single molecules in their cellular context. The DCI provides support to biomedical researchers by offering state-of-the-art equipment along with the expertise of a specialized team to perform the entire structural analysis pipeline. In addition, the DCI’s experts work to strengthen bridges with methods such as light microscopy and FIB-SEM, and to extend cryo-EM to smaller and more flexible particles. The DCI is intended for use by researchers at UNIL, EPFL, UNIGE and outside entities (including companies, based on specific agreements). The DCI is a simple partnership under the authority of the UNIL rectorate and not of the FBM. Therefore, the DCI is not a faculty platform of the FBM and is in no way bound by agreements concluded between UNIL and external partners regarding the access to or running of the faculty platforms/facilities of the FBM.
GENOMIC TECHNOLOGIES FACILITY GTF The Genomic Technologies Facility (GTF) mission is to provide access to state-of-the-art instruments, methods and support for measuring quantitative and qualitative variations in nucleic acids. Its experts are skilled in leading-edge genomics technology with a wide range of analytical applications. The GTF also offers ad hoc bioinformatics support and dedicated computing and storage infrastructure. It has the genomics expertise to help researchers choose the most appropriate technology for their research aims, improve their experimental design, run wet lab experiments, sequence libraries, perform primary data and biostatistical analyses, and manage data distribution. The GTF is intended for use by researchers at FBM, other UNIL faculties and outside entities (including companies, based on specific agreements).
PROTEIN ANALYSIS FACILITY PAF The Protein Analysis Facility (PAF) runs analyses of single proteins and proteomes. It employs advanced mass spectrometry methods to identify and quantify a large fraction of the proteins expressed in cells, tissues and organisms. The PAF also conducts large-scale profiling of post-translational modifications (e.g., phosphoproteome and ubiquitinome) using these same methods. Other common applications include the identification of protein-protein interactions and the study of proteomes of subcellular compartments. PAF staff provide comprehensive support at all stages, from experiment planning and sample preparation to data analysis. They also carry out fast, sensitive quantification of selected targets by capillary western assays as a complement to mass-spectrometry-based untargeted assays. The PAF is intended for use by researchers at FBM, other UNIL faculties and outside entities (including companies, based on specific agreements)
Découvrez les multiples aspects des technologies génétiques lors de nos séances de dialogue et posez vos questions aux spécialistes. Toutes les personnes intéressées sont les bienvenues! La participation est gratuite.
Les séances de dialogue sont organisées par le Forum Recherche génétique avec le soutien de l’Office fédéral de l’environnement (OFEV).
Le dodo, le mammouth, le pigeon migrateur, le tigre de Tasmanie – ils font tous partie des centaines d’espèces animales connues qui ont disparu depuis l’arrivée de l’homme et son évolution culturelle et technologique. Pourtant, il existe aujourd’hui des entreprises et des organisations qui souhaitent faire revenir ces espèces, notamment à l’aide des technologies génétiques et de la médecine reproductive. Dans quelle mesure ces projets sont-ils réalistes? Quels avantages et quels risques peuvent-ils présenter pour la protection des espèces ? Et que disent-ils de notre relation avec la nature? Nous discuterons de ces questions et d’autres sur la base du livre «Faire revivre des espèces disparues?» avec les deux auteurs et d’autres spécialistes.
Intervenants: Nadir Alvarez, Muséum cantonal des sciences naturelles de Lausanne Lionel Cavin, Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Genève Bernard Baertschi, Université de Genève Modération: Cécile Guerin
La séance se déroulera à Lausanne, au Palais de la Rumine, sous forme hybride: une participation est possible soit sur place, soit virtuellement. La langue de la séance est le français. Inscription jusqu’au 19 avril 2023
It has been a long way, but the CIG Direction is now extremely happy to announce that the big fish room of the Genopode is finally ready to be put in service!
Thanks a lot to all the people who made it possible, from the CIG and beyond, by working directly for it or by putting up with all the inconvenience caused by this project!
An inauguration will take place in a few weeks, all the information will be provided in due time.