CIG Progress Reports 2024-2025

Dear all, 

Please join us for the CIG Progress Reports 2024/2025 seminar series in which we’ll get to hear 30 stories developing in the department.

All are welcome!

Place: GEN A auditorium in 2025 (exception: May 22 in GEN 3027). We will inform you of the room in every reminder email sent before the seminar.

Each speaker presents their work in 20-25 min + 5-10 questions.
For more dynamic discussions, we usually interrupt speakers with questions during the talk. The aim is to share your work with your colleagues and receive scientific feedback.

Please keep in mind that the CIG is very diverse and many of your colleagues are not familiar with details of your field and specific methodologies. Thus, we advise you to balance the amount of presented data against the time you have to present. 

Optional feedback on presentation skills using a questionnaire By popular demand, but only if desired, presenters can receive tips from a couple of PIs to improve presenter skills. For this, we prepared a feedback questionnaire to be filled out together over a brief discussion at the end of the seminar.

Schedule (Thursday at 4 PM)