“Developmental programming of health and epigenetics: what role in the public arena?”
Hosted by Prof. Chiapperino, Prof. Panese and Prof. Simeoni on the upcoming 14,15 November, Amphithéâtre du Biophore.
The event gathers some key actors in the debate on DOHaD (Developmental Origins of Health and Disease) and epigenetics, and aims at constituting a forum for observing how the confrontations among biomedical scientists in such fields contrive the socio-political momentum of these knowledge-claims.
We hope that our conference -by encouraging very much the participation of both biomedical and social scientists- will constitute a first, landmark occasion to chart the social challenges and opportunities raised by DOHaD and epigenetics.
We would be thus very grateful if you could circulate the announcement of the event within your institution and your professional networks.
Future updates about the conference can be found on the webpage of our STSLab .
The registration is free, but mandatory, and it can be done by sending a regular email to the address of the project: pared@unil.ch.