The lab of Prof. A. Stasiak’s paper “Chromatin is frequently unknotted at the megabase scale” was among the 12 most read papers of the Biophysical Journal in 2020.

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Welcome to the Best of Biophysical Journal 2020. This collection of articles comes from Biophysical Journal published in the last year, and it includes some of the most highly cited papers, as well as the Paper of the Year and the papers that were selected for the inaugural “Best of BJ Symposium” at the 2021 BPS Annual Meeting. This collection provides an excellent cross-section of the contributions to Biophysical Journal. The primary criterion for acceptance of a paper in Biophysical Journal is a clear quantitative emphasis and mechanistic interpretation of relevance to biological problems. For review, submissions to the journal are roughly divided according to general areas of interest, which range from molecular details of proteins and nucleic acids, through membranes, channels, and molecular machines, to the behavior of cells and whole organisms and systems. All of these areas are represented in the current Best of Biophysical Journal edition. We hope that you will enjoy reading this special collection. – Differential local stability governs the metamorphic fold-switch of bacterial virulence factor RfaH – Confinement-free wide-field ratiometric tracking of single fluorescent molecules – Chromatin is frequently unknotted at the megabase scale – Molecular insights from conformational ensembles using Machine Learning – The interplay between phase-separation and gene-enhancer communication: a theoretical study – DHHC20 palmitoyl-transferase reshapes the membrane to foster catalysis – Different Vinculin Binding Sites Use the Same Mechanism to Regulate Directional Force Transduction – X-ray structural analysis of single adult cardiomyocytes: tomographic imaging and micro-diffraction – Dynamic crowding regulates transcription – Spontaneous curvature, differential stress, and bending modulus of asymmetric lipid membranes – Zebrafish spinal cord repair is accompanied by transient tissue stiffening – Amoeboid Swimming is propelled by molecular paddling in Lymphocytes |