Data Brief.: co-auth.: K.Popadin (group Reymond)

Data Brief. 2017 May 17;13:536-544. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2017.05.024. eCollection 2017 Aug.

Data on the time of integration of the human mitochondrial pseudogenes (NUMTs) into the nuclear genome.


The data and methods presented in this article are supplementing the research article “Integration of mtDNA pseudogenes into the nuclear genome coincides with speciation of the human genus. A hypothesis”, DOI: 10.1016/j.mito.2016.12.001 (Gunbin et al., 2017) [1]. Mitochondrial DNA is known to get inserted into nuclear DNA to form NUMTs, i.e. nuclear DNA pseudogenes of the mtDNA. We present here the sequences of selected NUMTs, in which time of integration can be determined with sufficient precision. We report their chromosomal positions , their position within the great ape mtDNA phylogeny, and their times of integration into the nuclear genome. The methods used to generate the data and to control their quality are also presented. The dataset is made publicly available to enable critical or extended analyzes.


Human evolution; Mitochondrial DNA; NUMT; Pseudogene; Punctuated evolution; Speciation

PMID: 28702491