The Institute of Cell Biology (ICB) at the University of Bern, Switzerland ( invites applications for a faculty position in Cell Biology. The current research foci of the institute are RNA biology, Host-Pathogen Interactions/Molecular Parasitology and Developmental Biology. The ICB is part of a new National Centre of Competence in Research “RNA and Disease” and outstanding applications in this area will receive special consideration. We are open to different experimental systems, but space for animal facilities is limited. The position comes with ample laboratory space, a start-up package and institutional funding for personnel. Hiring levels from tenure-track Assistant Professor to Full Professor level will be commensurate with experience.
The successful candidate is expected to raise external funds and participate in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level. Applicants possessing a Ph.D. degree and postdoctoral experience that has resulted in high-level research publications will be considered for an Assistant Professor position, applicants with these qualifications and additionally demonstrated qualifications as group leaders will be considered for a Full Professor position. It is envisioned that the appointment will start on 1 August 2015.
The application deadline is 31 March 2014. The University of Bern is an equal opportunity employer and encourages qualified female researchers to apply.
Candidates wishing to be considered for this position should submit their application as a single PDF file and include a completed form (to be downloaded at: )
The PDF file should include the following: curriculum vitae, including publication list and summary of extramural funding, a short statement of research and teaching interests (maximum 2 pages) and copies of 3 major publications to: The Dean’s office, Faculty of Science, University of Bern.
Informal inquiries can be addressed to the director of the ICB:
Prof. Volker Heussler, phone + 41 (0) 31 631 46 50, email: