The next USGEB meeting will be held on the UNIL campus February 6/7, 2012
Registration is free of charge for members of affiliated societies:
sgAHE Swiss Society for Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology
BIO Swiss Society for Biochemistry, Section Biophysics of the Swiss Society for Biochemistry
PHA Swiss Society for Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT)
PHY Swiss Physiological Society
SGO-SSO Swiss Society for Oncology
ZMG Swiss Society for Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics
STSBC Società Ticinese delle Scienze Biomediche e Chimiche (STSBC)
SGM Swiss Society for Microbiology
SSPath Swiss Society for Pathology
SGPf Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Pflanzenphyiologie
SGV Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association
SPS Swiss Proteomics Society