Invitation to Participate in the Lemanic Life Sciences Hackathon 2025

We are organizing the 2nd iteration of the Lemanic Life Sciences Hackathon 2025. The goal is bringing together computational scientists and clinicians/biologists to collaborate on data science-related projects. The format is unique: we independently recruit both projects and participants (“hackers”), then match them afterwards on interests. Our first edition last year was a great success with almost 100 participants, many sponsors and three deserving winners. The next iteration will be in April 2025.

At this stage, we are particularly looking for exciting challenges that the participants could tackle – it’s easier for us to find strong computer scientists & quantitative participants. Thus, I’m reaching out to ask if you (or your students) have any interesting challenges that come to your mind? Past projects involved Aberrant speech recognition for Parkinson’s Patients, creating tools for biodiversity identification in the field, decoding EMG, Generative modeling for designing antibiotics-resistant phage…. 

More information on the hackathon is available here:

Alexander Mathis