Dear Phd students and Postdocs,
We are pleased to announce that we have open seats for this course:
Responsible Conduct in Research
Date/s: 2 afternoons // March 17 and April 21, 2016
Location: ETH Zentrum
Instructors: Prof. Nina Buchmann & Dr. Melanie Paschke
Course Description
When studying at a University, Master’s and PhD students are joining the scientific community and, therefore, have to learn the codes of professional and responsible conduct in research. In this course, we provide information about specific rules, regulations and guidelines for research integrity and responsible conduct as well as a tool kit for moral reasoning. The course will rise awareness for potential conflicts of interest and will discuss real life examples, e.g., about questions of authorship and giving credits, data treatment and interpretation, communication and responsibility in the public. Students will discuss case studies with a typical conflict potential or a dilemma. They will work together in teams, discuss the codes of conduct and values established in science, and apply them to their case studies. The teams have to agree on actions to be taken for each case and present a consensus view.
Course fees: PSC Ph.D. students have priority for PSC course. Free of charge to all Ph.D. students.
Course Registration: (Please register until March 1, 2016)
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Coordination & Administration PhD Programs |Zürich Basel Plant Science Center
ETH Zürich|LFW C14|Universitätsstr. 2|CH 8092 Zürich, Switzerland|
Phone: Phone: +41 (0)44 632 02 71