Dear colleague
It is my pleasure to announce the Student (and postdoc) workshop on Developmental Biology and Genetics taking place on the 11 October 2016 at the Foundation Louis Jeantet in Geneva
The workshop is mainly organised for Master and PhD students, but we will consider applications from postdocs if the course is not full.
Two outstanding plenary speakers (see flyer) will give you an overview of the field of Developmental Biology and you will have the opportunity to share your own research with the other attendees. Please note that abstract submission is mandatory and be ready to speak about your work in a short presentation. The goal of this workshop is to exchange ideas, speak about problems and find solutions for them in an informal frame, and as preparatory workshop for the Jeantet Symposium taking place on the 12 October 2016.
Now the best for last: this workshop is entirely free, meaning that accommodation, travel and food will be offered by LS2 and the Jeantet foundation, and you will even have the possibility to gain credit points by attending.
Please note that the number of participants is limited to 30 people.
Registration deadline is 30 September 2016
Please register and find more information here:
We are looking forward to seeing you in Geneva in October.
Feel free to forward the information to anyone who might be interested in the topic and the workshop.
Best wishes,
Anna and Costanza
Scientific officer
LS2 (Life Sciences Switzerland)
Université de Genève
Département de Biochimie
Sciences II – Bureau 446
Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30
CH-1211 Genève 4
Phone 022 379 34 27