PhD position at the IMBB (Spain) and CRTTD (Germany) starting January 2016

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A  PhD  position  is  currently  available  (starting  January  2016)  to  develop  a  project  involving  the  analysis  of  the  role(s)  of  the  JNK  signalling  in  brain regeneration using Drosophila (mainly) and zebrafish as model systems. Most of  the  project  will  be  developed  at  the  “Cell  Signalling  and  Morphogenesis”  laboratory  of  the  Institute  of  Molecular  Biology  of  Barcelona  but  will  also include short periods at the “Center for Regenerative Therapies TU Dresden”

Graduates  in  Biology,  Physics  or  related  areas  with  a  strong  track  record  and  deep interest in Developmental Genetics, Neurosciences or Regenerative Biomedicine are encouraged to apply.
Laboratory experience would be a definitive advantage.
The  successful  candidate  will  hold  a  research  stipend  in  Dresden  for  up  to  3  years and develop his/her research project(s) using a wide array of techniques and in vivo models.


Dr. Enrique Martin-­‐Blanco, IBMB-­‐CSIC -­‐ SPAIN (+34934034668 -­‐  

Prof. Michael Brand, CRTD -­‐ GERMANY (+4935145882301 -­‐ michael.brand@biotec.tu-­‐