The Bujnicki Laboratory in IIMCB, Warsaw
offers positions for postdocsin bioinformatics of RNA and protein-RNA complexes
IIMCB ( is the top-ranked Polish research institute in the field of biology (9 research groups, 552 research papers since 1998, h-index 46, currently ~75% of the budget is from competitive grants). IIMCB provides cutting-edge equipment and facilities, in particular for macromolecular crystallography (e.g. the X8 PROTEUM X-ray generator with a micro-focus source) and bioinformatics (e.g. a computing cluster with >1500 cores).
The Bujnicki laboratory ( studies sequence-structure-function relationships in proteins and nucleic acids. Our multidisciplinary team comprises experimentalists and theoreticians with a very wide area
of joint expertise. We study the naturally occurring systems and infer general rules to develop predictive models and to engineer macromolecules with new
functions. We develop computer software, use bioinformatics to make structural and functional predictions, and we test hypotheses in the wet lab.
Examples of our successes include the development of programs for modeling of protein and RNA structures (e.g. GeneSilico metaserver, ModeRNA), identification
and characterization of new enzymes responsible for RNA maturation, and engineering of nucleases with new substrate specificities.
We have openings for postdocs in projects funded by ERC and the Polish agency NCN (MAESTRO). We are looking for talented candidates with expertise such as programming in C/C++ and Python and development of methods for macromolecular modeling, as well as practical bioinformatics/molecular evolution/structural modeling.
The application should contain a CV, a motivation letter, contact to at least two potential referees and if possible samples of software code developed by the Candidate. Applications will be accepted by email only:
Applications will be collected until October 31st 2012
Interviews with selected candidates will be held on November 12th
Please include in your application: “In accordance with the personal data protection act from 29th August 1997,
I hereby agree to process and to store my personal data by the Institution for recruitment purposes”.