postdoctoral position with 3 years funding available in Brenda R. Kwack’s research group (link)
We are looking for a highly motivated young scientist with a strong background in cardiovascular pathophysiology or immunology.
Postdoctoral position (Assistant A3)
A postdoctoral position with 3 years funding is available in our lab. The candidate will
preferentially start in January 2013 and will study the role(s) of connexins and/or
pannexins in atherosclerosis, an immuno-inflammatory disease of the vascular wall.
We are looking for a highly motivated young scientist with a strong background in
cardiovascular pathophysiology or immunology. Previous experience in molecular
and cellular biology is highly desirable.
For a description of the research group and details of our work see:
– Wong
C., et al. Connexin37 protects against atherosclerosis by regulating
monocyte adhesion. Nature Med. 8:950-54;2006
– Pfenniger A., et al. Gap junction protein Cx37 interacts with endothelial nitric oxide
synthase in endothelial cells. ATVB 30:827-34;2010
– Pfenniger A., et al. Shear stress modulates the expression of the atheroprotective
protein Cx37 in endothelial cells. JMCC 53:299-309;2012
Candidates can send their application (curriculum vitae, motivation letter and the
names of two references) before October 20th 2012 by email to:
Brenda R. Kwak, PhD
Dept. of Pathology and Immunology
Dept. of Internal Medicine – Cardiology
University of Geneva
E-mail: Brenda.KwakChanson(at)