Networks and interactions – from species to communities, Rigi-Workshop, where disciplines meet, 21 – 23 January 2018, Rigi Kulm
Want to learn about biological, evolutionary and social interactions of species? To formulate and model species-interaction concepts? To cross disciplinary boarders and share similarities and differences between social and natural sciences?
Four experts will guide you into the fascinating world of ecological, evolutionary and social networks of species and communities and help you to build and test computational models of species-interactions.
- Mutualistic interactions: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation (Christoph Scheidegger, Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL)
- Host-parasite interactions (Daniel Croll, Laboratory of Evolutionary Genetics, University of Neuchâtel)
- Mutualistic networks (Miguel Fortuna, Departmente of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zürich)
- Interspecies-exchange (Ina Dietzsch, Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, Universität Basel)
- Computational approaches to study co-evolution of networks (Miguel Fortuna, Departmente of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zürich)
This 3-day course is held in English.
PhD students from all Swiss institutions of Higher Learning are most strongly encouraged to apply. Applications from Master students and Postdocs are also considered.
Organisers: Christoph Scheidegger (WSL), Pia Stieger (Swiss Academy of Sciences).
Please register online before October 15th, 2017
For further information and registration: