As in previous years, the SKMB gene regulation workshop will take place in the C auditorium of the Génopode.
The date is September 2nd 2011.
The program:
10h00 Welcome coffee
10h30 Thomas JENUWEIN (Freiburg) Epigenetic Control by Histone Methylation
11h15 Danny REINBERG (New York) Molecular Mechanisms of Epigenetic Inheritance
12h00 Ramin SHIEKHATTAR (Philadelphia) A Novel Basal Factor Functions as a Global Transcriptional Rheostat
12h45 Lunch 14h30 Wouter DE LAAT (Utrecht) Transcription Regulation in Three Dimensions
15h15 Len PENNACCHIO (Berkeley) Large-Scale Identification of Tissue-Specific Enhancers In Vivo
16h00 Coffee break
16h30 Andrea BRAND (Cambridge, UK) Balancing Self-Renewal and Differentiation in the Developing Nervous System 17h15 Phillip ZAMORE (Worcester) What Fruit Flies Teach Us About RNA Silencing 18h00 Apero
As in previous years, we will close the registration site as the number of participants reaches 240 (more than the capacity of the auditorium…).
So, if you are interested and plan to attend, please register quickly!