The 2021 Gene Regulation Workshop will take place on Monday, Sep. 6 (Amphipôle C)
09:30 : Café, croissants
10:00 : Nadine Vastenhouw, UNIL, CH “The spark of life. Initiating transcription in embryos”
10:50 : Alexander Stark, IMP, Vienna, AT “Decoding transcriptional regulation in Drosophila”
11:40 : Daniel Panne, University of Leicester, UK “Structural insights into genome folding by Cohesin and CTCF”
12:30 : Lunch break
14:30 : Stefanie Jonas, ETHZ, CH “Deciphering structure and function of the Integrator complex”
15:20 : Olivia Rissland, University of Colorado, USA “Regulation of gene expression by codon optimality”
16:10 : Jeffrey Chao, FMI, Basel, CH “Imaging the life and death of mRNAs in single cells”
17:00 : Apéro
As in previous years, we have a great lineup of speakers and attendance is free. However, YOU NEED TO REGISTER BY AUGUST 30 so that we can organize coffee and such. To do so, use the link below:
then click on “registration” on top of the page (click on “not a CUSO doctoral student”).
Hope to see you for a great meeting.
The organizers
Martine Collart, Maria Cristina Gambetta, David Gatfield, Florian Steiner