SPIRIT stands for Swiss Programme for International Research Projects by Scientific Investigation Teams. It promotes international cooperation between Swiss researchers and their colleagues in selected countries. Eligible partners are selected based on the OECD list of countries receiving development assistance. SPIRIT adds to the SNSF portfolio and enables Swiss researchers to collaborate with researchers in most countries. By introducing this programme, the SNSF is promoting global knowledge exchange and contributing to increasing research capacities at home and abroad.
Focus on women and young researchers
SPIRIT offers funding to projects of two to four groups that tackle scientifically relevant, original and team-oriented topics in all disciplines, no thematic limitations apply. The programme promotes excellent, cross-border research. Funding for women is a priority as is the ability of young researchers to develop their potential. If two or more applications are deemed to be of equal quality, applications by women or applications that show greater gender awareness will be given priority. The international evaluation panel includes at least 40% women and 40% men as well as a gender equality expert.
Continuing submission
The SNSF has developed a competitive submission procedure that enables researchers to submit pre-proposals at any time of the year. If a pre-proposal is evaluated favourably, the researchers will be invited to submit a full proposal. This reduces the administrative workload on both sides. Every year, the SNSF will fund up to twelve four-year projects with up to 500,000 francs each. Pre-proposals can be submitted as of 1 February 2019.
Further details about the application: The new SPIRIT programme