A new Post-doc in C.Fankhauser’s group

Tino Dornbusch obtained his PhD in Agricultural Sciences at Martin-Luther-University (MLU) Halle-Wittenberg in Germany. His project and title of his thesis was “Development and application of a three-dimensional architectural model to describe morphological traits of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) stands”.

He will join Christian Fankhauser’s lab on September 1st, 2010.

Mystères de l’UNIL 2010

Mysteres de l’UNIL: Several activities have been proposed by the CIG besides the labs visits (C. Fankhauser, R. Benton, GTF). They was an activity on te circadian rhythm (F. La Spada et S. Dorsaz), a movie “l’ADN vu par Holywood” (L. Michalik) and an activity on the cow genome (A.Reymond). A tree of genetics traits which was part of that activity is now in the Genopode hall.

Many thanks to all people who participated!

CIG Symposium 2010 SENSING THE ENVIRONMENT, June 16-17

Un prix Nobel à Lausanne” sur le site actualités de l’UNIL




organizers: Richard Benton, Christian Fankhauser, Nouria Hernandez

to the website
* Detlev Arendt
* Marie-Christine Broillet
* Martin Chalfie
* George Coupland
* Caroline Dean
* Claude Desplan
* Russell Foster
* Consuelo de Moraes
* Christine Petit
* Steven Reppert
* Ivan Rodriguez
* Leslie Vosshall
Start Date: 2010-06-16
Start Time: 8:30
End Date: 2010-06-17
End Time: 13:00