Nathalie Fares, who started her apprenticeship at the CIG in August 2010, has joined Dr. Liliane Michalik’s lab.
Tag Archives: L.Michalik
Tue June 19th, 2012 – Thesis defense Marta Wawrzyniak – GEN
Madame Marta Wawrzyniak, titulaire d’un master en biologie de l’Université de Lodz, soutiendra en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur ès sciences de la vie de l’UNIL, sa thèse intitulée:
Directeur de thèse: Dr Liliane Michalik
Cette soutenance aura lieu le mardi 19 juin 2012 à 16h00 à l’auditoire C, bâtiment Génopode.
Welcome to Catherine Clément
Fri Dec 2, 2011 Seminar Dr. Estelle Woldt
Dr Estelle Woldt
(postdoc candidate)
Institut Pasteur de Lille
Université Lille Nord de France
“Role of a recently deorphanized nuclear receptor in skeletal muscle and bone homeostasis”
Friday December 2nd, 2011
12h15 – 13h15
Room 5022, 5th floor
Génopode Building
Host : Dr Liliane Michalik
Welcome to Jacques Anken
Jacques Anken will be working at the CIG in August in Dr Liliane Michalik’s group as an Intern to learn the basics of some technical laboratory approaches. He will work under the supervision of Dr. Ilenia D’Errico on her project: “miRNAs and PPARbeta as integrative determinants of skin carcinogenesis in response to UVB”.
Welcome to Teresa Galera & Gabriel Vinicius de Almeida
In the frame of the Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) program 2011, two students will join the CIG:
Dr. David Gatfield will host Gabriel Vinicius de Almeida (from the University of Campinas / São Paulo) in his lab from July 4th to August 26th, 2011.
Dr. Liliane Michalik will host Teresa Galera (from the University of Granada) in her lab from July 10th to August 26th, 2011.