Mon Jan 31, 2011 : Sem. D.Frendewey GEN


January 31st, 2011, 10AM
Room 4026
David Frendewey, PhD
Sr. Director, Targeted ES Cell Production
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Tarrytown, New York, USA

“Knockout Mouse Technology for Drug Discovery and Large-Scale International Projects”

Host: Nouria Hernandez

Talk and discussion with students and post-docs

Room 4026

Mon Dec 13, 2010, Sem. G.Vergères GEN


PD Dr Guy Vergères

Federal Department of Economics Affairs DEA
Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux Research Station ALP
Schwarzenburgstrasse 161, 3003 Bern, Switzerland

Functional nutritional biology of dairy products – from classical nutrition research to nutrigenomics

Monday December 13, 2010
Auditorium A, Bâtiment Le Génopode, 1015 Lausanne Dorigny

Host : Nouria Hernandez

A new PhD Student in N.Hernandez’s group

Nicolas Bonhoure obtained his Master from the Université de la Mediterranée in Marseille, France, in October 2007. Until October 2010, he was working as a research assistant at the University of Glasgow, Scotland and his subject was : Gene Regulation in Normal Hematopoietic Development and Disease.

He will join Nouria’s lab as a PhD Student on November 15th, 2010.

N.Hernandez speaking at the “Dorigny 40, table ronde” on Fri Nov 12, 2010

Table ronde : « Et dans 40 ans ? »

Vendredi 12 novembre, 10h à 11h30, Amphipôle, Auditoire D, entrée libre

Quels paris prendre aujourd’hui pour l’avenir de notre Université? Comment se projeter en 2050? Quels sont les défis à relever afin que le campus aux moutons garde toute sa visibilité sur la carte d’une science mondialisée? Anne-Catherine Lyon, cheffe du Département de la formation, de la jeunesse et de la culture du canton de Vaud et Dominique Arlettaz, recteur de l’UNIL, (et Nouria Hernandez) participeront notamment à cette table ronde animée par Nicolas Dufour, journaliste au Temps.

Pour en savoir plus: Le flyer d’invitation à la journée anniversaire (contient le programme de la table ronde).

Voir également : et

A new Post-doc in N.Hernandez’s group

Andrea Orioli obtained his PhD in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Parma in Italy. His project and title of his thesis was “Novel insights into human RNA polymerase III transcription: non canonical termination and biogenesis of potential regulatory RNAs”.

He will join Nouria Hernandez’s lab on September 1st, 2010.