Our safety coordinator, Gilles Boss has recently updated the Safety FAQ on our website.
We encourage each of you to read the information available and come regularly to G.Boss’s safety meetings.
Fire safety
How to trigger a fire alarm?
Press the tappet button close to the fire cabinet, call the 115 number; 021 692 20 00 from a mobile phone
Who is in charge for fire safety of the floor?
Floor 1 + 2 | Alexandra Paillusson | Tel: +41 21 692 3945 |
Floor 3 | Corinne Pfister | Tel: +41 21 692 3973 |
Floor 4 | Pascal Cousin | Tel: +41 21 692 3924 |
Floor 5 | David Tarussio | Tel: +41 21 692 3987 |
Animal Facility | Mathieu Piguet | Tel: +41 21 692 3912 |
Who is charge for fire safety of the Bulding?
Safety coordinator:
Gilles Boss
Tel: +41 21 692 3952
Who and how call for help?
Firemen, police, ambulance, UNIL rescuers
Tel: 115 or from a mobile phone: +41 21 692 2000
see also http://www.genomyx.ch/wp-content/uploads/telurgence20131.png
Where are the emergency stop buttons for the gas and the electricity?
Gas: next to the door of each lab, on the gas supply box, push the red button.
Electricity: there is NO button to stop the electricity manually.
Which labs are equipped with special detectors?
There are smoke detectors in every lab and there are heat detectors in every hood.
What would be the steps that you should follow if you witness the start of a minor fire?
For a minor fire?
Sound the alarm, turn off the instruments, try to extinguish the flames, close the door on the fire, inform
For a major fire?
Sound the alarm, try to extinguish the flames, close the door on the fire, evacuate, do a headcount of your colleagues, inform.
How to use the extinguisher, fire blanket…
Extinguisher: tear off the pin, seize the nozzle and aim at the base of the flames and finally squeeze the lever and the holding handle together.
Fire blanket: In case of a minor fire, cover the person with the blanket to suffocate the flames.
How to know if one should evacuate the building?
The alarms in the corridors will sound off and are very loud.
Where is the lab emergency exit?
If the stairwell is not accessible (smoke…) Use the exits that lead to the balcony. Wait for the firemen at the north corners of the building, the side of the building facing the Amphimax.
Where are the fire escape routes and the escape stairways?
If there is a fire, DO NOT TAKE THE ELEVATORS, under any circumstance. If it is possible to get down to the 2nd floor, use the stairwell. The meeting point is in front of the Amphimax cafeteria.
In case of evacuation, can one still leave the building through the automatic doors?
Yes, even with a power outage, the doors will still work and it is also possible to open them manually.
Chemical safety & chemical accident
Why wear a labcoat and lab googles?
To protect your clothes your body and your eyes from chemicals and burns. For newcomers labcoats and googles are available at the magasin central.
In case of harmful liquid splashing on my skin or in my eyes, will my insurance cover this accident?
Yes if you were wearing lab googles and a labcoat.
If not, the insurance may not cover the cost of the accident.
What to do if a toxic/inflammable liquid spills onto the floor?
Use the absorbent pellets stored in the chemical waste room, level 1 west external.
What to do if a toxic/inflammable liquid spills into the drains?
Call the safety coordinator:
Gilles Boss
Tel: +41 21 692 3952
Stéphane Porchet
Tel: +41 21 692 2410
Where are the eye showers and the emergency showers :
In the sink of each lab
What to do in order to decontaminate yourself ?
If your skin comes into contact with chemicals and you need to take a shower, there are some in the 1st floor bathroom.
What’s the phone number for the Toxicological Information Centre (in Zurich)?
Call the 0145 number
Waste disposal
How would you trash the following components?
BSL1 (Biosafety laboratory of level 1) solid waste contaminated by biological agents to be trashed in autoclavable red bags Biohazard labeled.
The glassware to wash must be decontaminated if need be and rinsed before being placed with the normal glassware and collected by the personnel of the washing facility.
Broken glassware should not be put in the autoclavable bags: special autoclavable boxes for sharp objects are to be requested at the “magasin central.
BSL1 liquid waste contaminated by biological agents must be decontaminated chemically (bleach) or autoclaved, then eliminated in the sink.
What are the categories of chemicals we are sorting in the CIG
- Non chlorinated solvents (unhalogenated)
- Halogenated solvents
- Trisol-Phenol
- Formaldehyde
- Known chemicals compounds (you have to make a detailed list)… ask Marlyne Berger
What to do with the container of toxic chemicals?
Bring the container to the chemical waste room, write what category of chemical waste is in the container on a label and attach the label to the container. Marlyne Berger will fill in a waste discharge form (document de suivi) , The container will be then collected by the university truck that will then take the container to the recycling company.
Health at work
How to contact the nurse of the University?
Martine Fragnière
Tel: +41 21 692 25 78
Specialist Health at work
Where is the nearest pharmacy?
Near the floor cafeterias same spot (see map) on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floor or in the magasin central.
Where is the infirmary of the building?
On the right of the right entrance of auditorium C of the 2nd floor of the Genopode, the key is in the magasin central and in the central administration office of the CIG.
Where can I find safety documents specific to the most compounds used in the CIG?
On the http://www.unil.ch/cig/home/menuguid/faq/safety/data-sheets.html website.
More documents about safety: http://www.genomyx.ch/cig-services/security/