Dear all,
On December 4th, at 11:00 we will host Ursula Loizides-Mangold from the University of Geneva, who will give a seminar with the title :
“Unraveling a nutrition dependent peroxisomal defect with lipidomics”
Ursula was involved in a UNIGE-UNIL-EPFL collaboration resulting in a recent publication (see below). Among others, the groups of Bernard Thorens, W.Wahli and O. Michielin were involved. It will be a good occasion to get familiar with lipid analysis and its biological relevance.
The seminar will take place in Reading room 2020 in the Génopode (see attached map).
PLease forward this announcement to anybody potentially interested. Also, let me know if anybody is interested to talk to Ursula after her seminar (it is also possible to join in for lunch after).
1) The Peroxisomal Enzyme L-PBE Is Required to Prevent the Dietary Toxicity of Medium-Chain Fatty Acids.
Ding J, Loizides-Mangold U, Rando G, Zoete V, Michielin O, Reddy JK, Wahli W, Riezman H, Thorens B.
Cell Rep. 2013 Oct 17;5(1):248-58.
2) On the future of mass-spectrometry-based lipidomics.
Loizides-Mangold U.
FEBS J. 2013 Jun;280(12):2817-29. doi: 10.1111/febs.12202.
Manfredo Quadroni, PhD
Head, Protein Analysis Facility
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
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