Dr Johanna Gassler will give a seminar, Jul. 15, 2021 at 9:30 am, Aud. B and zoom

This Thursday (July 15) at 9.30, Johanna Gassler will give a talk entitled “Chromatin reorganization to totipotency during the mammalian oocyte-to-zygote transition” in Génopode auditorium B.

Johanna is a postdoc candidate for the Vastenhouw lab and she has done some exciting work on the oocyte to zygote transition in mouse embryos during her PhD in the lab of Kikue Tachibana at the IMP in Austria. 

We can host 28 people in the auditorium and there might be about 10 slots left, so please feel welcome to join in person.
We will also broadcast the talk on zoom for those who cannot be here.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83605562301?pwd=SHNWTGNFaFo0VG5uQkFXWEdkeThidz09
Meeting ID: 836 0556 2301
Passcode: 296930