BioInnovation Day 2023: A Day dedicated to Innovators and Investors in the field of Life Sciences, May 11, 2023 at the Agora Aud. (CHUV)

BioInnovation Day is a technology showcase and partnering event that provides investors and industry representatives the opportunity to learn about the most innovative life science projects originating from academic institutions in Western Switzerland and to directly interact with the most prominent and entrepreneurial academics of the region.

Organized by the Technology transfer offices PACTT and UNITEC, representing the universities and hospital of Lausanne (UNIL et CHUV) and Geneva (UNIGE et HUG), the BioInnovation Day 2023 will take place from 9am to 5pm on May 11th, 2023 at the Auditorium AGORA on the CHUV Campus in Lausanne

For registrations and information : BioInnovation Day

Tel :    079 556 55 31

“Faire revivre des espèces disparues ?” on Apr. 25, at 5pm in Palais de Rumine

Faire revenir des espèces disparues comme le dodo 🦤, le tigre de Tasmanie 🐅 ou le mammouth 🦣 – est-ce que c’est faisable et désirable?
Nous en discuterons la semaine prochaine lors de l’événement
Faire revivre des espèces disparues ?
Mardi 25 avril 17:00 – 18:30h Palais de Rumine, Lausanne & en ligne (hybride)
Avec Lionel Cavin (Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Genève) et Nadir Alvarez (Muséum cantonal des sciences naturelles à Lausanne), auteurs du livre “Faire revivre des espèces disparues ?”, ainsi que Bernard Baertschi (UNIGE).

Modération: Cécile Guérin
Toutes les personnes intéressées sont les bienvenues ! Inscrivez-vous gratuitement jusqu’à lundi 24 avril :

Une participation est possible soit sur place au Palais de Rumine, Lausanne, soit virtuellement. La langue de la séance est le français, des questions peuvent également être posées en allemand ou anglais.

FameLab Switzerland 2023, enroll now and present on Apr. 5, 2023

Are you thrilled about your research and bursting at the seams to share it with the world? Do you live and breathe scientific discoveries and delight in entertaining your family and friends with all the latest fun facts? Are you eager to take on new challenges and push your public speaking skills to the limit?

If so, come and join FameLab 2023, the international competition for science communication that will allow you to showcase your passion for science to a global audience. Start by registering for the regional FameLab semi-final in Lausanne that will take place on April 5th from 6 to 8 pm in the Amphimax at the University of Lausanne.

Win over the crowd and judges with an original 3-minute talk on a scientific topic of your choice. Be scientifically correct, clear and, most especially, charismatic

Let go of the PowerPoint safety net, you can bring on stage props with your best costume!

You will get inspired by impressions of past events: and talks from the FameLab Switzerland Youtube channel.

The competition is open to all STEM and Social sciences students (Life Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Geosciences, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Social Sciences, Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Politics, Psychology and Sociology). 

The winners of the semi-final will participate in an online master class on June 2 and 3 and take part in the national final on September 18th in Bern. You can find additional information at:

The deadline for submitting your application is March 29th.

[BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference, Sep. 11-13 2023.

[BC]is organized in Basel as an in-person conference – with a virtual component – to enjoy great science together, network and develop relationships during social activities.
All speakers and oral presenters will be presenting live, in-person at the congress venue. 
The [BC] Scientific Committee has put together a diverse programme featuring inspiring keynote lectures by international experts, scientific presentations from selected abstracts, tutorials and workshops to foster hands-on capabilities and interactive poster sessions together with networking activities to refresh the mind and connect with peers in a friendly atmosphere!

For participants who are unable to travel or do not wish to travel for environmental reasons, there is the possibility to register as a virtual participant. Virtual participation only includes access to the opening keynote lecture on 11 September and the conference sessions on 12 and 13 September (live streamed, not recorded) and access to the meeting’s virtual poster platform, it does not include access to the pre-conference workshops and tutorials.

You may attend to attend this amazing event but also be part of it! Here’s how you can get involved:
1) Submit a talk or poster for one of the parallel sessions. Visit our website for more information on how to submit.
2) Apply for a talk in our special session on industry-academia collaborations. This session is dedicated to researchers and companies who wish to share the results of such joint projects and interdisciplinary collaborations.

The call will be open until 15 March 2023.

Symposium Faces of Industrial Research (FIR) – EPFL, Mar. 23, 2023

The goal of the symposium is to provide insights into fundamental and translational research done in Life Science and Healthcare companies based in Switzerland. The symposium will also allow to discover what industry can offer in terms of scientific projects and opportunities for young scientists.

During the event, scientists and postdocs currently employed by various Life Science and Healthcare companies (Nestlé, Roche, Novartis OM Pharma, Arcoscreen, SOPHiA GENETICS and more) or universities, will showcase their career paths, transition from academia to industry, as well as their scientific projects. Besides their talks, they will answer your questions and share more thoughts in panel discussions. The symposium will also include networking opportunities with the speakers, around company booths and with your peers.

WHEN: 20 March 2023

WHERE: Forum Rolex, EPFL Lausanne

PARTICIPATION: Participation is free, but registration is mandatory. 

To attend the event, please sign up here
Additional information is available on our website.

Life Science Career Day, EPFL – May 16, 2023

The Life Science Career Day is a large-scale networking and career guidance event for students and young researchers in the field of life sciences at Swiss universities to facilitate their access to their first job outside the university (read about the previous edition).

Date & Venue of the eleventh edition : May 16th 2023, SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne (Winner of the 2022, 2019 and 2016 “Best Convention Center” Award)

Target audience: students and early career researchers from Swiss Universities wishing to prepare for a career in the corporate world/industry or in various organizations (governmental and non-governmental).

Theme 2023: Diversity in life science jobs, endless!

Jobs in the life sciences are very diverse, and to choose the right one, consider four questions: What do I like to do? 2. which areas interest me? 3. how do I like to work (company culture) 4. Whose values/aspects/dreams/challenges do I value and whose are I willing to give up or negotiate? What drives me really? The 2023 program is built to help you answer these four questions, so book this day, to follow us from A to Z! Renowned companiesrecruiters and speakers are looking forward to meeting you in person during the networking sessions!

The program is published here.

Registration: from April 3 / free of charge.