We are pleased to announce the LS2 Annual Meeting 2015 taking place next January in Zürich on the Campus Irchel!
The topic of the conference will be “Light- from the basis of life to life science technologies” and will offer a wide array of cutting-edge research from various Life Science disciplines (Molecular and Cellular Biology, Development, Physiology, Neurosciences, Microbiology and many more) and plenary talks from internationally renowned speakers as well as numerous educational and career development events. For Master students, we offer the opportunity to get to know Swiss Doctoral Schools in Life Sciences, as well as scientists who have done their PhD in Switzerland. For PhD students, special sessions are dedicated to networking in science and how to realize a Start up. Also, advancement of women’s careers in Science and the future of scientific publishing will be debated in round table discussions.
For Postdocs and senior scientist, the meeting provides an opportunity to talk to fellow scientists, get to know the latest technologies from our industry partners and participate in the session PI of tomorrow. All info are under www.ls2-annual-meeting.ch
January 29th-30th, 2015
Campus Irchel, University of Zürich
Plenary speakers:
Marileen Dogterom (TU Delft)
Peter Quail (Stanford University)
Alexander Gottschalk (University of Frankfurt)
Tobias Meyer (UC Berkeley)
Jan Hoeijmakers (Erasmus MC Rotterdam)
Conference fees:
Conference fees include registration, scientific presentations, workshops and round table discussions, lunch & coffee breaks and a social event on Thursday evening with music and snacks. Conference fees start at 20 CHF.
We are inviting abstracts for posters or contributed talks. Poster abstract submission is possible after registering, please follow the instructions on our website. Please indicate whether you wish to present orally or prefer a poster presentation.
Industry exhibition:
An exhibition of our partners from various life science industries will take place throughout the entire meeting in the main foyer of the conference venue. If you would like to register as an industry partner or sponsor our meeting, please contact me (anna.brandenburg@ls2.ch).
For further information, please see our website: www.ls2-annual-meeting.ch
or send an e-mail to: anna.brandenburg@ls2.ch
The organizing committee welcomes you at the LS2 Annual Meeting 2015 in Zürich!
Paola Picotti, ETH Zürich
Benoît Kornmann, ETH Zürich
Claus Azzalin, ETH Zürich