MsViz, a graphical software tool for in-depth manual validation and quantitation of post-translational modifications.
Mass spectrometry (MS) has become the tool of choice for the large scale identification and quantitation of proteins and their post-translational modifications (PTMs). This development has been enabled by powerful software packages for the automated analysis of MS data. While data on PTM’s of thousands of proteins can nowadays be readily obtained, fully deciphering the complexity and combinatorics of modification patterns even on a single protein often remains challenging. Moreover, functional investigation of PTMs on a protein of interest requires validation of the localization and the accurate quantitation of its changes across several conditions, tasks that often still require human evaluation. Software tools for large scale analyses are highly efficient but are rarely conceived for interactive, in-depth exploration of data on individual proteins. We here describe MsViz, a web-based and interactive software tool that supports manual validation of PTMs and their relative quantitation in small- and medium-size experiments. The tool displays sequence coverage information, peptide-spectrum matches, tandem MS spectra and extracted ion chromatograms through a single, highly intuitive interface. We found that MsViz greatly facilitates manual data inspection to validate PTM location and quantitate modified species across multiple samples.
- PMID: 28636386